Tenor harsonák

Yamaha YSL-354SE

Harsona / HN138235
Yamaha standard trombones were designed to make it easier for beginning students to sound good…and as soon as possible. They are produced in Yamaha workshops by highly trained craftspeople with very similar specifications and manufacturing processes as we use on our top of the line models. And every single instrument is stringently test-played and inspected by an expert. This is why some top artists have commented that Yamaha standard models are very close to pro trombones in quality, yet are much easier for beginners to play. The standard models are durable, high quality trombones which offer a perfect entry into the world of music. Bell: Yellow brass, Finish: Silver-plated.
Kérjük, értékelje ezen termék leírását
Készleten 3 héten belül
438 890 Ft
Ár ÁFA-val együtt
INGYENES szállítással
  • Fúvós hangszer fajtája Tenor harsona
  • Hangolás Bb
  • Fúrás 12,7 mm
  • Hangtölcsér 203 mm
  • Test Sárgaréz
Gyártási ország
  • Gyártás helye Kína
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