USB hangkártyák

Solid State Logic SSL 2+ (kicsomagolt)

Kicsomagolt USB hangkártya / HN229841
Our consoles and production tools have been at the heart of countless hit recordings and award-winning sound tracks for the past 40 years. We know how to make audio sound amazing, and more importantly, we know how creative collaborators want to work together. The SSL 2+ brings together the best of our technology with the right features and expanded I/O capability to get the most out of creating as a team.

The Art: We've designed 2 class-leading, beautifully detailed mic preamps to capture every nuance of every performance, with enough gain to cope with whatever microphone you're plugging in.

The Tech: Many USB-powered audio interfaces use standard IC circuits in their mic amp designs. We prefer to use a different approach. Our 2-stage design uses a mixture of specially chosen discrete low-noise transistors in combination with ICs. This enables us to design mic preamps with exceptional noise performance and a superior gain range.

And just because you're working out of your home studio or on the road, doesn't mean you should compromise on the quality of your audio interface. With SSL 2+ we've chosen to use the same industry-grade parts as found in our larger consoles and I/O products, delivering the same kind of quality you'd expect from a large SSL-equipped studio, into your personal workspace.
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