Reverb és hall

Keeley Vibe-O-Verb

Gitáreffekt / HN187346
The Keeley Vibe-O-Verb is a three mode reverb that lets you hear what some of the most classic effects sound like on just the reverb. Allowing you to create new sounds and textures like never before. All of the Delay Space in its reverb engine for the pedal are in the Fibonacci series. What does this mean for you? You’ll probably make more money, look better (see golden ratio) and find true happiness. For Keeley there lies a secret pleasure in defining a reverb that is unique and possibly more musical. Since great works of art like Debussy’s La Mer have been crafted by using the Golden Ratio that is also found in nature in many forms, why not create lengths of time defined by such ratios? 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34 Give it a try – you’ll feel the difference! The three modes give you Harmonic Tremolo – similar to Keeleys DynaTrem pedal, Vibrato and Phase Modulation - all on top of atmospheric reverb of the Vibe-O-Verb!
Kérjük, értékelje ezen termék leírását
Készleten 3 héten belül
70 390 Ft
Ár ÁFA-val együtt
INGYENES szállítással
  • Irányítás Depth, Decay, Rate, Blend, 3-Way switch
  • True bypass Igen
  • Típus Reverb
  • Csatlakoztatás 9V Adapter
Bemenetek és kimenetek
  • Bemenetek 1x Mono
  • Kimenetek 1x Mono
Méretek és súly
  • Méretek 112 x 68 x 51 mm
  • Tömeg 0,3 kg
  • Része az adapter Nem
Gyártási ország
  • Gyártás helye USA
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