Distortion, overdrive, boost

Keeley Aria

Gitáreffekt / HN230783
The Aria Compressor Drive not only offers out most flexible overdrive to date, it has all the tone and blend features of the Compressor Plus. Players also have the ability to swap the order of the compressor and drive for two very useful drive experiences.

Two-Mode Overdrive: Soft clipping and a transparent boost to midrange frequencies, perfect for defining your own voice.

• Dual Mode – Clean and Transparent or Heavy Saturation!
• Clean and Bold in Low Mode – Focused and Sustaining in High Mode.

Compressor with Clean Blend and Tone Control – Blend in any amount of clean signal for punchy chord work and use the Tone Control to brighten the highs.

• Plus Features: Tone and Blend – Perfect for Humbuckers and Single Coils!
• Blend for Manhattan style compressor and Tone for treble boosting.

Design for Pro Boards, Effects Order Switching, and Effect Insert

• Pedal Switcher Ready! Simply connect to and pedal switcher with TRS cables and control each side of the Aria independetly
• Switch the Order of the Compressor and Drive for instant change to feel and response of your combo
• Use TRS insert cables to place effects between the Compressor and Drive like phasers, wahs, or other dirt boxes!
Kérjük, értékelje ezen termék leírását
Készleten 3 héten belül
93 790 Ft
Ár ÁFA-val együtt
INGYENES szállítással
  • Irányítás 2x FS, 2x Level, Drive, Tone, Blend, Sustain, Tone, FX Order switch, Low/High switch, Single-Coil/Humbucker switch, TRS Insert switch
  • True bypass Igen
  • Típus Overdrive/Compressor
  • Csatlakoztatás 9V Adapter
Bemenetek és kimenetek
  • Bemenetek 1x Mono/Stereo
  • Kimenetek 1x Mono/Stereo
Méretek és súly
  • Méretek 120 x 95 x 50 mm
  • Tömeg 0,35 kg
  • Része az adapter Nem
Gyártási ország
  • Gyártás helye USA
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