Mikrofon paravánok

Nowsonic Isolator

Akusztikai elem / HN210376
Nowsonic Isolator is a practical companion in the studio and on the go that turns any untreated room into a vocal booth. Isolator isolates your microphone from external influences and provides acoustic treatment, minimizing reflections. The integrated pop filter also prevents unwanted hissing and popping noises during vocal recordings. Due to its compact and lightweight construction, the Nowsonic Isolator is not only ideal for (home) studios, but thanks to its metal construction, it is also perfect for mobile recordings, podcasts, and even conferences.
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Ezt a terméket már nem árusítjuk.
  • Anyag Acél
Méretek és súly
  • Tömeg 0,66 kg
  • Méretek 180 x 190 x 200 mm
Gyártási ország
  • Gyártás helye Kína
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